Using Python's fast data frame library FireDucks

pandas is a library that provides functions to support data analysis in the Python programming language. NEC Research Laboratories has developed a library called FireDucks, a faster version of pandas.

Data Preparation

The analysis is performed on the data of passenger history of cabs in New York City. The source of the data is as follows:

To analyze large data sets, we downloaded and merged the “Yellow Taxi Trip Records” data from January 2022 to June 2023 from the above link. The data is provided in parquet format, but I converted it to csv format for testing. A script for preparing the data is included for reference.

import pandas as pd
import os

dir = "xxx"
df_list = []
for year in [2022, 2023]: for i in range(12)
for i in range(12): for i = str(i+1).zfill(2)
month = str(i+1).zfill(2)
fn = f "yellow_tripdata_{year}-{month}.parquet"
file = os.path.join(dir, fn)
if not os.path.exists(file):
df = pd.read_parquet(fn)

all_df = pd.concat(df_list)

The contents of the data contains the following values (some columns are excerpts).

Column nameData typeDescription
passenger_countintThe number of passengers
pu_location_IdstringThe TLC cab zone where the cab meter started working.
do_location_IdstringThe TLC cab zone where the cab meter was deactivated.
tpep_dropoff_datetimestringThe date and time the meter was deactivated.
tpep_pickupdate_timestringThe date and time when the meter started to work.
trip_distancedoubleThe trip distance (in miles) reported by the cab meter.
total_amountdoubleThe total amount of money charged to the passenger, not including the cash tip.
extradoubleOther surcharges and additional charges. Currently, this includes only the $0.50 and $1 rush hour and nighttime fares.
fare_amountdoubleTime-and-distance combined fare calculated by the meter.

Actual preprocessing

A series of preprocessing calculations, such as type conversion, column addition, and outlier deletion, which are often used in data analysis, are performed on the prepared data.

First, prepare a wrapper for speed measurement. _evaluate() is described later.

from time import time
from functools import wraps

def timer(func):
def wp(*args, **kargs):
t = time()
ret = func(*args, **kargs)
print(f"{func.__name__} : {(time() - t):.5g} [sec]")
return ret
return wp

def evaluate(df):
if hasattr(df, "_evaluate"):

Loading data

First, read the data. Import pandas and then use read_csv to read the data. Define a function, and call it later to measure the data.

import pandas as pd
def file_read(fn, args={}):
df = pd.read_csv(fn, **args)
return df

Data processing

Remove data with missing values.

def drop_na(df):
df.dropna(how="all", inplace=True)
return df

The date and time of boarding and alighting are read as strings, so they should be converted to dates.

def txt_to_date(df, low):
df[low] = pd.to_datetime(df[low])
return df

Let’s look at the distribution grouped by the number of boardings (print is not included in the performance evaluation, so it is omitted). We see that there are data with zero riders, so we remove them.

# At least one person on the train
def check_passenger_c(df):
df_ = df.groupby("passenger_count").size()
df = df[df["passenger_count"] > 0]
return df

Extract the year, month, day, and hour information from the ride date data and add columns. The distribution of the year and month of the ride contains incorrect values, so we remove them.

# correct ride year/month
def check_pu_date(df):
df['year'] = df['tpep_pickup_datetime'].dt.year
df['month'] = df['tpep_pickup_datetime'].dt.month
df['date'] = df['tpep_pickup_datetime']
df['hour'] = df['tpep_pickup_datetime'].dt.hour

df_ = df.groupby("year").size()
df = df[(df['year'] == 2022) | (df['year'] == 2023)]

df_ = df.groupby("month").size()
df = df[(df['month'] >= 1) & df['month'] <= 12]

df_ = df.groupby(["year", "month"]).size()
return df

Convert the difference between the disembarkation time and the ride time to minutes and add a column. Remove non-positive or too long ride times.

# realistic ride time in minutes
def check_ride_time(df):
df["ride_time"] = (df["tpep_dropoff_datetime"] - df["tpep_pickup_datetime"]).dt.seconds / 60
df = df[(df["ride_time"] > 0) & (df["ride_time"] <= 180)]
return df

Remove non-negative or too large values for ride distance and fare.

# realistic distances
def check_trip_distance(df):
df = df[(df["trip_distance"] > 0) & (df["trip_distance"] <= 250)]
return df

# Realistic fares
def check_total_amount(df):
df = df[(df["total_amount"] > 0) & (df["total_amount"] <= 1000)]
return df

Calculate the latitude and longitude from the IDs of the boarding and alighting points. The relationship between the ID and the point can be checked as follows:

The columns are added by merging the conversion table created based on the latitude and longitude calculated from:

Remove data outside New York City from the latitude and longitude information.

# Find latitude and longitude from IDs
def add_coordinate(df, ID_df):
df = df.merge(ID_df.rename(columns={"longitude": "start_lon", "latitude": "start_lat"}),
left_on="PULocationID", right_on="LocationID", how="left").drop("LocationID", axis=1)
df = df.merge(ID_df.rename(columns={"longitude": "end_lon", "latitude": "end_lat"}),
left_on="DOLocationID", right_on="LocationID", how="left").drop("LocationID", axis=1)
return df

# Check if it is in NY
def in_NY(df):
df = df[(df["start_lon"] <= -71.47) & (df["start_lon"] >= -79.45)]
df = df[(df["start_lat"] >= 40.29) & (df["start_lat"] <= 45)]
df = df[(df["end_lon"] <= -71.47) & (df["end_lon"] >= -79.45)]
df = df[(df["end_lat"] >= 40.29) & (df["end_lat"] <= 45)]
return df

def check_in_NY(df, ID_df):
df = add_coordinate(df, ID_df)
df = in_NY(df)
return df

As described above, a series of processes are prepared to read data, perform type conversion, add columns, and remove outlier values.

  1. Read the file
  2. Convert date data from string to date data
  3. Preprocessing
  4. Remove missing values
  5. Check the number of passengers
  6. Check distribution by groupby
  7. Select at least 1 passenger
  8. Check the time of boarding
  9. Tet the year, month, date and time from the date data and add a column
  10. Group by year and check -> Select only the relevant year
  11. Group by month and check -> select only Jan-Dec
  12. Group by year and month and check the distribution
  13. Check the boarding time
  14. Take the difference between the time of disembarkation and the time of embarkation, convert to minutes, and add a column (dt.total_second is not supported by FireDucks)
  15. Select realistic ride time data
  16. Check the ride distance
  17. Select realistic distance data
  18. Check fare
  19. Select realistic fare data
  20. Select NY City data
  21. Merge the passenger ID with the latitude and longitude table
  22. Select the data where the longitude and latitude of the boarding and alighting is in NY city

Execution time in pandas

First, let’s check the execution time on pandas. A 24-core Xeon server (Intel(R) Xeon(R) Gold 6226 CPU x 2, 256GB main memory) was used for the measurement.

import os
data_path = "data_sets"
fn = os.path.join(data_path, "taxi_all.csv")
ID_file = os.path.join(data_path, "ID_to_coordinate.csv")

need_cols = ['tpep_pickup_datetime','tpep_dropoff_datetime', 'passenger_count', 'trip_distance',
'PULocationID', 'DOLocationID', 'total_amount', 'improvement_surcharge', 'extra', 'fare_amount', 'RatecodeID']

def Preprocessing():
df = file_read(fn, {"usecols": need_cols})
ID_df = file_read(ID_file)

df = txt_to_date(df, "tpep_pickup_datetime")
df = txt_to_date(df, "tpep_dropoff_datetime")

df = drop_na(df)
df = check_passenger_c(df)
df = check_pu_date(df)
df = check_ride_time(df)
df = check_trip_distance(df)
df = check_total_amount(df)
df = check_in_NY(df, ID_df)
return df

df = Preprocessing()

Now, the execution time in pandas is as shown in the table below. The two file_read files are due to reading the taxi data as well as the location data for merging, and the txt_to_date file is due to converting the ride time and the drop-off time. The execution time shows that it took more than one minute to read the file. In addition, check_pu_date and add_coordinate, which include adding columns and merge processing, take more than 30 seconds, and the implemented preprocessing takes 186 seconds to complete.

Execution time with FireDucks

Measure the execution time when using FireDucks with the imported library replaced by pandas.

pip install fireducks

The above scripts for pandas preprocessing can be used as-is by importing FireDucks, since FireDucks is compatible with pandas.

import fireducks.pandas as pd

Note that FireDucks does not immediately execute methods when they are called. Therefore, it is necessary to run _evaluate() to measure the execution time of each method.

The following table compares the execution time of FireDucks with that of pandas after importing FireDucks and performing the same preprocessing calculations.

Functionpandas [sec]FireDucks [sec]Speed-up ratio

The file_read process took more than 70 seconds to complete in pandas, but it took about 3.5 seconds, which is more than 20 times faster. Other time-consuming processes (check_pu_date, add_coordinate) were also significantly reduced.

The computation time for txt_to_date was increased by using FireDucks. This is because the to_datetime() function is not supported by FireDucks at the time of writing. However, even when a function like to_datetime() is called that does not support acceleration, FireDucks does not return an error because it performs the calculation by calling a pandas function.

The total computation time for the preprocessing calculations in this article was 55 seconds with FireDucks, compared to 186 seconds with pandas, which is about 3.4 times faster. Of the 55 seconds, about 40 seconds was for processing that had not yet been accelerated, and further acceleration is expected in the future.